Ready PCR Mix is a PCR master mix that enables reaction set-up through product visualization with a single, easy-to-use solution. With Ready PCR Mix, your laboratory can achieve high quality DNA amplification while slashing time and consumption of supplies and hazardous reagents. Ready PCR Mix can:
- Reduce PCR reaction set up and post PCR steps
- Streamline colony screening by eliminating the need for DNA purification
- Eliminate Ethidium Bromide staining and associated waste disposal expenses
The Ready PCR Mix solution includes:
- Extender™ Taq DNA Polymerase
- High fidelity polymerase blend
- Efficient amplification of long and challenging templates (To learn more, click on the features tab of the linked page)
- Reaction Buffer
- Density Reagent/Tracking Dye
- Load reaction aliquots directly onto gel
- Non-interfering, fast migrating dye
- Fluorescent DNA Dye
- Based on AMRESCO's non-mutagenic and non-toxic EZ-Vision™ formulation
- Immediate visualization of amplified product with no post-run staining or destaining
- Eliminates use of Ethidium Bromide and associated hazardous waste disposal costs
Efficient Amplification of Purified DNA with Ready PCR Mix
Figure 1. Single copy targets were amplified from 50ng of pUC19 plasmid (A) or S. aureus genomic DNA (B) for 35 cycles. 10μl of each PCR reaction was directly loaded onto a 1% agarose gel and visualized with a Syngene HR gel doc system.
Direct Colony Screening with Ready PCR Mix
Figure 2. 10 distinct colonies were suspended into Ready PCR Mix in separate PCR tubes. 5 μl of the PCR reaction mix was plated on gridded LB plates with Kanamycin for 37ºC overnight growth. After 30 PCR cycles products were screened on a 1% agarose gel. Colonies 4, 8, 9 and 10 contained the desired sequences. Courtesy of Dr. Irene Lee, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
DNA Amplification by Ready PCR Mix Outperforms a Competitor Master Mix
Figure 3. Amplification products from AMRESCO Ready PCR Mix (Lanes 5-8) and a competitor master mix (Lanes 1-4) were resolved on a TAE/1.5% agarose gel containing Ethidium Bromide. Ethidium Bromide was included in the gel to visualize the products from the competitor master mix which lacks a DNA dye. Lanes 1, 2, 3: Aliquots (5 µl) from triplicate reactions with competitor master mix. Lanes 5,6,7: Aliquots (5 µl) from triplicate reactions with AMRESCO Ready PCR mix. Lanes 4 & 8: Non-template controls (5 µl) from competitor master mix and AMRESCO Ready PCR mix respectively. Data courtesy of Norgen Biotek Corporation.